Get the HTML for an Event Select Tag

Venue Driver provides an API method that will return HTML code for an event select box, to be inserted directly into a web page. For example, to get a drop-down select box for all upcoming events at the venue with Venue Driver ID code 1234, you might call a URL like this:

You can test from the command line using the cURL utility:

curl ''

It will return something like this:

<select id="event" name="event"><option value="3768">Cabaret of Dr. Calagari - Apr 16</option>
<option value="3769">Latin Night and Tequila Party - Apr 17</option>
<option value="3859">Visionshock - International District Spring Roll Party - Apr 24</option>
<option value="3860">Sounders Latin Preparty - Apr 25</option>
<option value="3832">Glamour - May 01</option></select>

Using that resource URL is pretty simple. In Ruby for example it looks like this:

url = "http://venuedriver/api/venues/129582/events/select_tag.html?username=venuesite&password=password"
events_html = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))

Then you can just drop that HTML snippet into your form with <%= events_html %> or the equivalent in PHP or whatever. That gives you a simple way to build a form that can request guest list signup for any upcoming event.

When somebody submits the form, creating the guest list entry is similarly simple. It also involves a simple HTTP query to an API URL. Are you using PHP? I can send you an example snippet for doing the post if so.